Most stone can be made into thin veneers! Call and ask us about it.

It is important to keep in mind that stone is a product of nature and its colors and sizes will vary. Whether it be sandstone, flagstone, shale, or limestone, all natural stones vary in color, texture and character. The end result of your project will depend on the masonry crew. If every piece has one side of color, but is turned to the inside of the wall, a very different look will be achieved than if the color is managed correctly. A sample panel of the look you desire and a good flow of communication with your mason about the look you wish to achieve are very important.

Preview Product Description
(Item Number, Name, Colors and Sizes)
(In most cases)

15 – Sandstone. Orange to Yellow, Black to Brown and Tan.
Sandstone. Orange to Yellow,  Black to Brown and Tan. Landscape stone supply Austin3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone, 1″ to 3″ thick Patio Stone

1 to 5 Days

17 – Sandstone. Tan to Yellow, and Orange.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone, 1″ to 3″ thick Patio Stone

1 to 5 Days

18 – Light Blue to Dark Gray.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone

Same Day

21 – Native Texas Shale. Buff to Brown, and Gray.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone and 1″ to 3″ thick Patio Stone

1 to 7 Days

23 – Native Texas Limestone. Cream to White, and Yellow to Rust with Brick Accents.
3″ to 5 ” thick Flagstone

Same Day

29 – Native Texas Stone. Light Blue to Dark Blue, Cream to White, and Yellow to Rust and Tan.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone

1 to 5 Days

33 – Native Texas Stone. Cream to White, Light to Dark Tan, and Yellow to Rust.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone

Same Day

34 – Native Texas Limestone. Cream to Yellow, and Orange.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone and 1″ to 3″ thick Natural Patio Stone

Same Day

37 – Native Texas Sandstone. Tan to Gold, and Orange to Chocolate.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone

Same Day

39 – Native Texas Sandstone. Buff to Light Tan.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone

Same Day

44 – Native Texas Limestone. Light Blue to Dark Blue, White to Cream, and Yellow to Rust.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone and 1″ to 3″ thick Natural Patio

Same Day

46 – Native Texas Limestone. White with 5% Brown.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone

Same Day

47 – Native Texas Sandstone. Light Chocolate to Dark Chocolate.
3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone

52 – Native Texas Sandstone. Dark Tan to Light Tan.
Native Texas Sandstone. Dark Tan to Light Tan. Landscape stone supply Austin3″ to 5″ thick Flagstone

Same Day